Remotely Operated Vehicle “ROV KIEL 6000“
The remotely operated vehicle ROV KIEL 6000 is a deep diving platform rated for water depths of 6000 meters. It is linked to a surface vessel via an umbilical cable transmitting power (copper wires) and data (3 single-mode glass fibers). As standard it comes equipped with still and video cameras and two different manipulators providing eyes and hands in the deep. Besides this a set of other tools may be added depending on the mission tasks, ranging from simple manipulative tools such as chisels and shovels to electrically connected instruments which can send in-situ data to the ship through the ROVs network, allowing immediate decisions upon manipulation or sampling strategies.References
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Cite article as: GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel. (2017). Remotely Operated Vehicle “ROV KIEL 6000“ . Journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, A117.
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