JuSPARC - The Jülich Short-Pulsed Particle and Radiation Center
JuSPARC, the Jülich Short-Pulsed Particle and Radiation Center, is a laser-driven facility to enable research with short-pulsed photon and particle beams to be performed at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. The conceptual design of JuSPARC is determined by a set of state-of-the-art time-resolved instruments, which are designed to address the electronic, spin, and structural states of matter and their dynamic behaviour. From these instruments and experiments JuSPARC derives the need of operating several dedicated high pulse-power laser systems at highest possible repetition rates. They serve as core units for optimized photon up-conversion techniques generating the light pulses for the respective experiments. The applications also include experiments with spin polarized particle beams, which require the use of laser-based polarized gas targets. Thus, in its rst stage JuSPARC comprises four driving laser systems, called JuSPARC_VEGA, JuSPARC_DENEB, JuSPARC_SIRIUS and JuSPARC_MIRA, which are outlined in this article.References
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Cite article as: Forschungszentrum Jülich. (2020). JuSPARC — The Jülich Short-Pulsed Particle and Radiation Center. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, A138. http://dx.doi.org/10.17815/jlsrf-6-174
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